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Category: Leporis - Sub pumps for sewerage (Communities)

elettropompa sommersa trifase professionale  per impianto di espulsione acque reflue

Leporis submersible wastewater and sewage Pumps

Submersible electric sewage pumps for industrial and commercial applications. Suitable for raising drainage water containing fibrous substanceswater, solids and waste materials.
his kind of waste water pumps branded Leporis are perfect for the use in community and residential application.

Quite often these pumps are used for purposes similar to them of the domestic pumps, but in contexts in which you need more power. They are suitable for pumping water containing paper, long filamentous and textile materials.

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Information about sewer pumping stations
Semplified schemes for sewer systems
Leporis sewsage pumps and drainage system

Please choose a pump according to your need


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