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Category: BBC - Wastewater lifting stations

BBC boosting station for sewage and waste water - Sale & Service 

stazione box serbatoio sollevamento fognature acque nere immissione in rete pubblica


The bbc lift stations are designed to handle raw sewage that is fed from underground gravity pipelines.  Suitable in  plumbing systems in which the fixtures are located below the level of the main sewer line.

They are composed by suitable pumping station, ideal to collect and convey sewage and waste water; that can be installed inside garages, basements or underground.

The pumping station branded BBC can be coupled with acoustic and / or luminous alarms, float switch and other accessories such as anti-flood valves.

Scheme for the choice of the right components of your waste water lifting system
More information about sewer pump stations
Prefabricated lift systems with submersible pumps for sewage and waste water
BBC boosting pump station for sewage and wastewate


Please choose your pump 



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