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You are here: Pressure switches, VFDs, Spare parts for pumps > X-Power - Electric float swiches & sensors for pumps

Product: Vertical Orange Float - Millimeter float switch with vertical drive - X-Power - Electric float swiches & sensors for pumps

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X-Power float switch for clean water

Vertical electric float with two (2) contacts (NC + NO), studied for filling or emptying tanks.
Ideal to be used in restricted environments.
Thanks to the vertical mobility system of the float that moves axially on the cord, it ensures a millimeter adjustment of the drive levels.
As for the use, it is sufficient to make an 4mm hole and place the device in the tank.

NB. The floats switch must be filled with the same liquid contained in the tank in which they will be placed.

Main Features:

Switch: 250 Vac 16A
Connection for emptying: terminals B1-B2 (NC)
Connection for filling: terminals A1-A2 (NO)
Probe wire: 2.1 meters

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The following products models are available for purchase:

galleggiante elettrico verticale per serbatoio pozzo

Length of the cord

Max power 





Galleggiante Pippo Vertical Float Orange 

2,1 ML 250V/16A

3 gg

Sconto 30 %

€ 7,14 € 5,00

galleggiante elettrico verticale

galleggiante elettrico con contrappeso per elettropompe

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