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Category: Pump system Kit with wall mounted inverter

Water pressure boosting systems with wall mounted inverter


It is possible to match the submersible pumps to a kind of inverter called "wall mounted inverter". 

The combination of a pump with a wall inverter allows great reliability of operation in the presence of sandy waters.

The speed variation of the inverter brings a constant water pressure to the system. This product also provides a protection against overload and dry running.


Thanks to the frequency modulation, the wall-mounted inverter guarantees substantial energy saving. Indead the integrated "soft start/stop" extends the life of the system.

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Damages and possible problems in water systems
How to pressurize a small artificial lake?

Galvanic currents and submersible pumps
Lifting system for well with submersible pump and inverter
Typical well water system with submersible pump and presscontrol

Standard well water system with submersible pump and pressure transducer (pressur tank)



Choose the kit according to your needs

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