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You are here: ELETTROPOMPE MOTOPOMPE GRUPPI DI PRESSURIZZAZIONE > Electric pumps, grinder pumps & sewage systems > Dab - Sewage and drainage electric pumps > Dab - Lift Stations

Product: Dab - Fekafos 550 automatic lifting stations designed for two submersible pumps - Dab - Lift Stations

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Wastewater, gray water lifting 

Nomenclature: Fekafos 550 Dab
Tank Capacity: 550 liters
Equipment: fitting and two lifting kit systems for the pump
Use: suitable for collecting and lifting clear, waste and rain water from washing machines, toilets, in systems installed at a lower level than the sewer (garages or basements).

To be purchased separately for a complete system:
1) Single-phase
: two submersible pumps without float switch + single-phase electrical control panel
2) Three-phase: two submersible pumps + three-phase electrical control panel

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Wastewater lift stations ready for installation!

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The following products models are available for purchase:



Capacity (lt)

Size (mm)

Pump to be used

Panel to be used




550 lt


GRINDER.Volts 230







4 gg

Sconto 30+10 %

€ 3.347,80 € 2.109,11




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