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Category: Leporis - Grinder pumps for drainage system

elettropompa con trituratore pompa a immersione con triturino alata prevalenza uso domestico pompe domestiche

Submersible sewage pumps for dirty water and wastewater


On Pippohydro also available for sale: Leporis grinder pumps able topulverize the waste into a fine slurry, and pump it to the  septic tanks or central sewer systems.

Leporis submersible electric pumps with grinder in the inlet pipe. Suitable to pumps waste water with solids,  filamentous, papers and textile materials.

These grinder pumps are composed by three shredding systems that allow the perfect breaking of the materials inside the plant.

The Leporis grinding pumps have more efficiency advantage compared to the normal black water sub pumps.

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