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Product: SPEEDRIVE ESPA variable frequency inverter system - Variable-frequency drive (VFD) for pumps

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Constant pressure system 
Speedrive Espa VFD for pumps

Constant pressure inverter system for pumps with three-phase motors.

Nomenclature: Speedrive
Company: Espa
Function: constant pressure management
Available versions:single-phase/three-phase & three-phase/three-phase
Technology: Adjustable-frequency drive
Heat dissipation: forced air by the motor
Adjustment range: from 0.3Bar to 10Bar 
Max power: 3Kw - 9A (SPEEDRIVE T3)
Installation: on the motor terminal board - or on the wall (request kit)
Transducer: 10Bar (not included)

Expansion vessel/tank: recommended (min.20% max flow of the pump)


Why should you add the expansion vassel to the frequency inverter drive system?
The basic plant does not require the use of a compensation tank/vassel. But if you want to maximize the energy consumption and the duration of the electric pump, it's necessary to add a tank. In fact, by using a water tank, the continuous and repeated starts of the electric pump (due to small withdrawals and/or water leaks in the water system) are avoided; Decreasing the start/stop of the electric pump:
1) Decreases energy consumption;
2) Extends the life of the electric pump.

How to wire a wall VFD?

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The following products models are available for purchase:

Inverter Power
Pump Power
Max power

Max power






V230 Monofase V230 Trifase 1,50 kW 7,00 A

5 gg

Sconto 40 %

€ 631,38 € 378,83


V400 Trifase V400 Trifase 3,00 kW 6,00 A

5 gg

Sconto 40 %

€ 703,80 € 422,28


V400 Trifase V400 Trifase 4,00 kW 9,00 A

5 gg

Sconto 40 %

€ 928,20 € 556,92


V400 Trifase V400 Trifase ---- ----

7 gg

Sconto 40 %

€ 188,70 € 113,22


---- ---- ---- ----

5 gg

Sconto 40 %

€ 112,20 € 67,32

Attention: the power value (maximum power load) is indicative. For a correct match with the electric pump, it is essential to verify that the amps absorbed by the electric pump do not exceed the amps allowed by the inverter.


The Speedrive series variable frequency drives represent an advancement in speed controllers for pumping systems, improving important aspects like functionality, with more user-friendly programming and more reliable systems.

VFD inverter system are designed to operate pumps with three-phase motors at constant pressure.
The series includes the M2 230Vac single-phase input voltage and the T2 and T3 models of three-phase/three-phase type;
Espa Speedrive must be coupled & connected directly to the motor control board. Motor air induced cooling.

10 BAR transducer

The newly developed Speedrive Espa inverters are able to work in groups of up to 4 pumps with VFD in communication;
They provide pumping systems with better hydraulic features, constant stable pressure, smooth and silent operation, extended lifespan of pumps, savings in electricity consumption resulting in cost reductions over the life cycle of the installation.


Electrical characteristics
Automatic/manual operation
Set-point pressure
Adjustable differential pressure
Degree of protection: IP55
Powers from 0.75 kW up to 1.5 kW with 230V single-phase power supply; and from 2.2 kW up to 4 kW with 400V three-phase power supply
Frequency 50/60 Hz.
2 sensor inputs 4-20 mA

Electric pumps complementary to the product


3x400 Three-phase surface pumps with TT VFD (connectable in 3x230 three-phase with MT single-phase/three-phase VFD)

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3x400 Sub pump (TT VFD),     3x230 thre-phase (MT sigle-phase/three-phase VFD)

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Complete your system with the help of Pippohydro



Pressure Tanks:
Elbi expansion tanks D series
Elbi expansion tanks DV series
Expansion vessels up to 36 liters
Base expansion tanks from 36 to 150 liters liters

Global C2 LITE floor standing expansion tanks



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Choose the frequency inverter: an efficient way for energy saving 






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