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Category: Special brass pumps for drinking liquids

Decating integral electric pumps for the transfer of liquids for food use

elettropompe speciali in ottone bronzo prezzi prezzo travaso

The electric pump with integral hydraulic part in brass, are distinguished by the self-priming capacity even with discontinuous presence of the liquid in suction pipe. These pumps are also capable of reversing the flow.

The electric transfer pump is the most efficient system to discharge barrels and bins containing food liquids in a safe and hygienic way.

Complete range:

For pouring dense food liquids, jam, oil, must, fine wines.
Brass bi-directional self-priming electropumps                                                                                 (elettropompe per casa you are here!)
For pouring dense food liquids, jam, oil, must, fine wines.
For homes, communities, restaurants, hotels, small garden irrigation, on-off systems or inverters.
For pouring dense food liquids, jam, oil, must, fine wines.
For pouring dense food liquids, jam, oil, must, fine wines.

Special electric pumps in direct current 12V-24V

For communities, restaurants, hotels, irrigation, public entities, on-off systems or inverters
For homes, communities, restaurants, hotels, small garden irrigation, on-off autoclave systems or inverters

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