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Indoor generator installation

Current generators are typically installed outdoors. 
But generators can be also installed indoor.

For the idoor installation of a current generator:

  • The room must be up to standard;
  • The room must be very large and well ventilated;
  • The floor must support the weight of the generator;
  • The combustion exhaust and the noise pollution must be taken into account.



Ventilation of the room

In all indoor generator installations, it is absolutely necessary to provide an aeration system. The building must be designed in a way that it can handle ventilation to remove fumes and heat due to exhaust, the fuel source, starting batteries and lubrication. 
The ventilation system must also allow an efficient cooling of the generator.


Design of the room:
1) the cold air inlet must be far from heat sources;
2) the cold air must not be directed to the hottest point of the room, in order to avoid a general increase in temperature;
3) the hot air outlet must take place so that it does not mix with the cold air entering the room.

As regards the cooling problems, it should be noted that the hot air 
 must be absolutely expelled. For this reason, conveyors must be used to channel the cooling air which must be expelled from the room. Between the ducting of the hot air and the motor apparatus it is necessary to interpose a flexible conveyor which allows to dampen the vibrations generated by the generating set.

Another aspect to take into consideration (and normally neglected) is represented by the presence of wind in the installation area. If there is a reasonable possibility that the wind may be an obstacle, it is necessary to provide an additional conveyor section.

Noise pollution

If there are problems related to the noise produced by the generator it is necessary to intervene to provide the room with adequate soundproofing. Some types of sound-absorbing materials have hygienic and safety problems: for example mineral wool, if exposed directly to the environment, can release the fibers. It is therefore essential that the panels be coated with protective films to avoid the occurrence of the problem. The adoption of plastic or rubber-like materials can however cause problems with regard to their flammability or toxicity.


Exhaust gas

In systems that require the installation of the generator indoor it is necessary to convey the exhaust gas to the outside by means of special ducts. The drains must be protected from the weather and equipped with drainage. It will also be necessary to equip it with an expansion joint, installed near the discharge flange of the generator, aimed at compensating:

1)the motor vibrations;
2)the dilatations caused by temperatures;
3)inaccuracies in assembly and construction of the exhaust ducts.

The most serious problem is the back pressure, the pressure opposed to the desired flow in a system. Excessive back pressure causes a loss of engine power, the increase in specific consumption and combustion temperatures which, in turn, cause excessive smoke and thermal stresses (which considerably reduce the generator life).

How to minimize back pressure:

  • avoid too small pipe diameters;
  • limit the number of curves along the route;
  • absolutely avoid section reductions;
  • use fittings with high spokes;
  • limit the total length of the exhaust system.

It is also very important that the silencer and pipe supports are well mounted. 

In conclusion, we can state that it is possible to install a generator indoors butit is also important to consider the cost. Of course, the cost is going to be higher when having a generator installed indoor. There is much more work that has to be done to ensure that it is safe. But the plant will be efficient and functional.

Pippohydro sells the best and cheapest portable generators on the web.
We have a wide range of current generators (gasoline, diesel, mix/oil) that can be adapted to domestic, industrial, nautical, camping, and farming needs.