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 Why do you should use a water purifier?


depurare l acqua da inquinanti quali arsenico nitrati cloruri mercurio con i depuratori osmotici per acqua in vendita su pippohydro

Reverse osmosis systems for home

Reverse Osmosis, known as an RO system, is a water purification technology that passes the water through a membrane to remove the polluting particles.This system is able to remove small particles, either dissolved or suspended floating in the water.
The use of the reverse osmosis purifier for home use has become increasingly frequent. The reverse osmosis systems purify the water, making it organoleptically healthier and lighter.
The purifiers originally had some problems, for example the possible formation of bacteria due to the water stall inside, or the bad calibration of the membranes that removes the saline component.
Today we can boast of high performance reverse osmosis purifiers, t
hanks to the cutting-edge techniques.
The tank purifiers have been outperformed by most professional direct purification systems, with flow rates of 70-140 l/h. Direct-water purifier system are used in homes, hospitals, pharmaceutical and food industries, or in technological and therapeutic applications.
A peculiarity of reverse osmosis filtration is that no chemicals of any kind are used to purify the water: the principle of potabilization is purely physical. The semipermeable membrane acts as a barrier separating the water molecules from the dissolved saline elements.



Ecological treatment system

Through the osmotic physical process, in a totally natural way, the saline component is lowered considerably but not completely eliminated. Between 90 and 98% of solid particles  (potassium, chlorides, cyanides, selenium, asbestos, barium, pesticides, lead, mercury, manganese, nickel, sulfates, arsenic, insecticides) 99% of bacteria and 100% of nitrates and nitrites are eliminated. 
The derivative water is therefore in the opinion of the experts the best water that can be drunk or used for cooking, washing fruits and vegetables, washing.


la differenza tra l acqua in bottiglia e l'acqua osmotizzataWhy do I have to use a reverse osmosis system?

First of all, we reiterate that this system is safe, reliable and environmentally friendly. It is used all over the world as a means of obtaining drinking water from bacteriologically and/or chemically contaminated water. Various devices are used to filter the water, for example water softeners, filtersanti-limestone magnetic filter, polyphosphate salt dispensers/doser, deferisers, denitrificators, chlorine dosers, ultraviolet disinfection systems, etc. Although efficient, none of these products makes drinking water. The water treated with the reverse osmosis purifiers is classified as "oligomineral", with diuretic properties and pleasant taste. Its pH ranges between 6 and 7ppm, and it maintains an indispensable acid-alkaline balance.



l acqua trattata con i depuratori ha molteplici benefici per l organismo umano particolarmente indicata per i bimbi aiuta gli anziani per svolgere le normali funzioni gastrointestinaliBenefits


Drinking water is the best source of fluid for the body. Health benefits of drinking water include the maintenance of energy levels, metabolism, body temperature and breathing. Morever, drinking water can also aid concentration, and it help you to be more alert and focus. When you are not properly hydrated the effects can be felt in your brain as symptoms like headachesBut the quality of drinking water is very important in the way to have a health life. Quality water must be pure and light. Heavy water instead contributes to aggravate the sedimentation processes of impurities. The osmotic water obviously is especially indicated for the health of children and elderlies as it facilitates the gastric balance. By combating the states of childish acidity, it is preferred for the preparation of infant formula. For older people, water purified prevents problems such as diverticulitis or urinary and intestinal disorders, and it eliminates excess uric acid faster.



bere l acqua trattata con i nostri depuratori è preferibile rispeto all acqua imbottigliata la lunga permanenza in grandi stock di magazzino facilità rotture e sconfezionamenti tali da compromettere le qualità organo lettiche del prezioso liquidoBottled water

Plastic bottles are certainly comfortable; but is it safe to drink water in plastic bottles? Several studies have shown that water bottled and distributed by supermarkets are often stocked for a long time. For this reason it is not of better quality than tap water. Studies show that bottled water samples can contain phthalates, mold, microbes, benzene, trihalomethanes, even arsenic. Furthermore, you should not forget that bottled water is often produced by industrial plants with reverse osmosis. Anyway it is always a good idea to prefer water in glass bottles rather than in plastic bottles. 'Cause plastic bottles are not sustainable, no matter what we've been told. Plastic pollution can afflict land, waterways and oceans. Also animals can be harmed.


bere l acqua trattata con i nostri depuratori è preferibile rispeto all acqua imbottigliata la lunga permanenza in grandi stock di magazzino facilità rotture e sconfezionamenti tali da compromettere le qualità organo lettiche del prezioso liquido

The water supplied by the provider

In order to supply the water to the user, the provider must possess the requisites of water potability. The norms prescribe to treat pure water at the source and in any case to supply it without pathogens harmful to the human body. However, there have been many cases of excessive use of chlorine, even cases of infiltration of arsenic, mercury and barium. Due to faults directly in the pipelines, rare cases of hazardous emissions can also occur. The purifier is able to resolve this kind of problems.



risparmi e bevi acqua pura i bassi costi di investimento si recuperano in 5 mesi

The cost of purified water

The reverse osmosis purification system, in addition to being the safest among the water treatment systems, is certainly the cheapest: the cost of the initial investment is recovered in a few months. The expenditure consists in replacing the filters every year ad change the osmotic membrane every five years (average values).



The prices of RO vary. Avoid buying equipment with excessively low costs (below 300 euros) and in any case avoid purchasing plants with accumulation. The latter must be maintained at least 4 times a year.
Avoid too high prices. The real costs will go from 350 euros up to 750 euros; Completely avoid those who offer you the free treatment plant and consumables for a fee. On the other hand, you positively evaluate who brings to your attention the real cost of the components and the purifier; The ideal is the purchase of a machine that allows you to replace only filters and / or membrane/s.

Prefessional osmosis water system
How does reverse osmosis work?

depurazione acqua mediante osmosi inversa proprietà e benefici prezzi e consigli