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The principles of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly,  drop by dropto the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface.
The water is supplied to all the plants in a uniform way, leaving the soil completely dry between the rows. In fact, it is only the part of the soil involved in irrigation that is wet; the non irrigated strips of land, which remain dry, allow the farmer to work in the field at any time, even during irrigation.

Improvement of the plant's health conditions
Drip irrigation helps improve plant health for the following reasons:
• decrease in the causes of illness, thanks to a foliar apparatus kept dry;
• maintenance on the leaves of insecticides and fungicides, contrary to what can be done using sprinkler irrigation;
• prevention of the increase of diseases and weeds, which can be propagated with other types of irrigation (for example sliding and sprinkling);
• reduction of the anaerobic conditions in the soil, which determine the establishment of various diseases.

This method can be the most water-efficient method of irrigationThe goal is to place water directly into the root zone and minimize evaporation. Drip irrigation systems distribute water through a network of valves, tubing, pipes and emitters.
In modern agriculture, drip irrigation is often combined with plastic mulch, further reducing evaporation, and is also the means of delivery of fertilizer (fertigation). Modern trickle irrigation has arguably become the world's most valued innovation in agriculture since the invention of the impact sprinkler (1930), which offered the first practical alternative to surface irrigation.
Drip irrigation methods range from very high-tech and computerized to low-tech and labor-intensive. The system can be designed for uniformity throughout a field or for precise water delivery to individual plants in a landscape containing a mix of plant species. Although it is difficult to regulate pressure on steep slopes, pressure compensating emitters are available, so the field does not have to be level. 

Components used in drip irrigation include:
  • Pump or pressurized water source
  • Water filter(s) or filtration systems: sand separator, Fertigation systems (Venturi injector) and chemigation equipment (optional)
  • Pressure Control Valve (pressure regulator)
  • Distribution lines (large and smal pipe fittings)
  • Poly fittings and accessories (to make connections)
  • Backwash controller (Backflow prevention device)
  • Hand-operated, electronic, or hydraulic control valves and safety valves
  • Smaller diameter polyethylene tube
  • Emitting devices at plants

Drip irrigation has changed the lives of many farmers around the world, enabling higher yields to be produced from any land, while saving water, fertilizer and energy.

Advantages of drip irrigation:
  • Fertilizer and nutrient loss is minimized.
  • Water application efficiency is high if managed correctly.
  • Fields with irregular shapes are easily accommodated.
  • Field leveling is not necessary.Recycled non-potable water can be safely used.
  • Soil erosion is lessened.
  • Soil type plays a less important role in the frequency of irrigation.
  • Moisture within the root zone can be maintained at field capacity.
  • Weed growth is lessened.
  • Water distribution is highly uniform.
  • Labour cost is less than other irrigation methods.
  • Fertigation can easily be included with minimal waste of fertilizers.
  • Variation in supply can be regulated by regulating the valves and drippers.
  • Foliage remains dry, reducing the risk of disease.
  • Reducing energy costs.

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